Anonymous Italia [AnonSecIta]

Hacked by Anonymous Italia

Hacked by Anonymous Italia

[+] Hacked by Anonymous Italia [+]

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#AnonymousItalia #OpRussia #RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia #StopInvasion #PutinWarCriminal

4 February 2022-24 February 2025 Three years since the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine: a terrorist act that resulted in destruction, pain and death.

4 February 2022-24 February 2025 Three years since the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine: a terrorist act that resulted in destruction, pain and death.

24 February 2022-24 February 2025 Three years since the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine: a terrorist act that resulted in destruction, pain and death. - 12,000 + Ukrainian civilians killed - 28,000 + Ukrainian civilians injured - 45,000 + Ukrainian soldiers killed - 198,000 + Russian soldiers killed - 600 + Ukrainian children killed - 920 + Ukrainian children injured 19,000 + Ukrainian children kidnapped and deported to Russia